
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Announcing "Global Kadai" event for February 2010

How many of you have used the exact same ingredients mentioned in a new recipe(non Indian)?  Atleast not me.
 I have surfed and bookmarked numerous recipes(Non Indian) from the Blogosphere/FoodNetwork site/ or any website and have even tried a few, but never once have used the same ingredients(except baking). Depending on the recipe I omit a few ingredients or replace some with our own Indian ingredients. It may be because I dont have them in my pantry, or I just simply dont like the taste/flavour of that. It may be because I dont like cheese, or I dont like that particular type of cheese.Whatever may be the reason , the recipe is altered one way or the other.
According to me "A recipe is something that can be changed or adapted".
I think You all would agree with me.

The "Global Kadai" event is all about doing that and when Cilantro announced that she was looking for Hosts, I rightly grabed the oppurtunity for the month of February.

Global Kadai” is a new food blogging event started by Cilantro, showcasing Global Flavor in an Indian version. This event will bring the creativity of food bloggers to try different recipes from around the globe giving an Indian twist and thereby creating a new look at Indian influence on Global Cooking. More details here

The recipe featured for this month is "Stuffed Mushrooms". I got this recipe from an Italian cookbook, from the library, dont know the name of the author.Have been making this delicious and super simple started ever since.
Here you go.


1 Packet Button Mushrooms (preferable large ones)
1 medium onion chopped.
2 tblsp finely chopped garlic
2 tblsp butter
1 cup plain bread crumbs
1 cup shredded mozorella cheese
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
few tblsp Olive oil
Salt and peper to taste.

Preheat the Oven to 350F/200C

Wipe the Mushrooms with a wet towel, to remove all the dirt.
Remove the stalk and the rims with a knife.Reserve the stalk.
Finly chop the stalk, onions and garlic.
In a pan add the butter and when its hot add the onion and garlic.
Fry till the onion shrinks and turns tranlucent.
Add the chopped mushroom stalks, and fry well.
Now add the bread crumbs , salt and pepper, stir well for a few minutes.
Switch off the stove and allow it to cool.

Apply little Olive oil over the mushroom cap, arrange in a baking tray and bake for 10 mins.
Now tightly stuff the baked mushrooms with prepared stuffing.
Sprinkle the shredded mozerrella cheese over the top and bake for another 10- 12 mins or until the cheese melts and golden spots appear on the top.

For more details and pictorial click here

Here are the guidelines for participating in Global Kadai:

1. Use your imagination and creativity to prepare the above recipe using ingredients familiar with Indian Cuisine. Post your entries on your blog during the month of Feb 2010.
2. If you already have appropriate entry archived, send it along. There is no limit to the number of entries.
3. Provide a link back to this announcement page and also to Cilantro's page and feel free to use the logo.
4. Email your entry to with following details
* Your Name
* Blog Name
* Blog URL
* Recipe URL
* Photograph of final dish.
5.The deadline for this event is February 28th, 2010.
6.If you don’t have a blog but wish to participate in this send your entries with a picture, your name and recipe to before the deadline. I will post the recipes with your picture in my blog and include it in the round-up during the 1st week of March.

*Non Vegetarian is also allowed*If we have any other method of making stuffed mushrooms without the oven,  you are most welcome.Looking forward for different yummy versions of this dish.


  1. Thank you very much Sumi for hosting GLOBAL KADAI and for featuring one of my favorite vegie. I look forward to participating in Global Kadai-Stuffed Mushroom.

  2. I will definitely participate in the event.
    Hey, I have something waiting for you at my space.Please check it out.

  3. Happy Sankranthi to you Sumi, enjoy! :)

  4. I know the rules is for changing it to more of Indian taste, but can I change the main ingredient itself? I don't eat or make mushrooms. If I want to use something else in its place, will it be appropriate? Let me know.

  5. Liked your blog.
    Yes, this recipe is good; will send in my entry. Thanks!


Thanks for dropping by.Your comments are very much valuable to me. Will reply to you guys as when time permits