
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sweet whole Moong Dhal balls

Whole moong dhal balls coated with shredded coconut.

This is one of my mothers favorite sweet.She makes it alternatively using whole green moong dhal or karamani payir(black eyed peas).When we were kids this delicacy used to be our evening snack atleast once a week.

I was trying out this new sweet as well as my new camera.The pictures didnt turn out as expected.Still got to learn the techniques with the new SLR.I love my good old simple and plain digital camera.
Anyway here is the recipe.


2 cups whole moong dhal soaked for atleast 8 hrs
1 cup of jaggery or castor sugar2 pods elaichi
2 cups shredded coconut/dried unsweetened coconut flakes


Cook the soaked the dhal in the pressure cooker upto 8 whistles. Mash the dhal with laddle. Mix the jaggery/castor sugar with 1 cup of water and allow it to boil. Add the cardomon pods.Mix the Cooked dhal and 1/2 cup of coconut. Mix well till all the water is absorbed. Allow it to cool.Then make it to lemon sized balls and coat with coconut flakes.

Note: Filter the remaining water from the cooked dhal, while adding to the jaggery.Otherwise the mixture will become mushy.